How I got here.

My journey to aWeb Developer.


Me, circa 2009

Like most kids growing up, I was obsessed with TV shows and playing videogames. I often tried to emulate the designs that I saw on the big screen, defacing my school notebook with doodles of some of my favourite Pokémon. While they weren't great, I knew I wanted to create art, or at least something that makes someone say 'Wow, that looks so cool!'.

My art exhibition (2017)

In secondary school and junior college, I took art as a subject and was exposed to a wide range of art forms, from drawing and painting to sculpting and photography. I was also introduced to the world of design which has stuck with me since.

Computer Science

While serving the nation in 2018, I received an email about a Python bootcamp. I decided to give it a shot and signed up for the experience. I learnt about variables, loops, functions, classes, and worked with libraries like pandas and matplotlib to create data visualisations. I was amazed at how much I could do with just a few lines of code.

Following that, I enrolled in Harvard's CS50 course. I learnt about data structures, algorithms, and created some simple home projects. I was fascinated with how some lines of code could create something so amazing, and I wanted to learn how it all worked! I decided to pursue a degree in Computer Science, and the rest is history.

Web Development

With a passion for creating beautiful designs and a desire to understand the technology that powers so many modern applications, web development felt like a no-brainer.

As the tech indusry evolves and new technologies emerge, I'll be ready to pick up new skills and develop new passions.

Probably the most formal photo of myself that I own

Check out my most recent project:


A full-stack web application for home bakers to sell and share their homemade goodies.

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